Danielle Sanchez
Oct 15, 20151 min read
Lost (and Found) in Translation 8 - English
Action movie scene. There's one hour for the deadline, you're in the middle of proofreading the monster job, the phone's ringing, your...
Danielle Sanchez
Oct 8, 20151 min read
Lost (and Found) in Translation 8 - português
Cena de filme de ação. Uma hora pro deadline, no meio da revisão do job monstro, telefone tocando, filha do lado puxando o braço e...
Danielle Sanchez
May 5, 20152 min read
Lost (and Found) in Translation 7 - português
Nas conversas com outros tradutores, sempre aparece a questão do estresse. Com os prazos, óbvio, com tentar manter o equilíbrio entre...
Danielle Sanchez
Apr 29, 20152 min read
Lost (and Found) in Translation 7 - english
When talking to other translators, questions about stress always come up. Obviously, regarding deadlines, trying to keep balanced work...