Danielle Sanchez
May 5, 20152 min read
Lost (and Found) in Translation 2 - português
Como brasileira, um fator cultural importante e enraizado em minha personalidade é o bom humor. Pode-se falar o que quiser do Brasil, mas...

Danielle Sanchez
May 5, 20152 min read
Lost (and Found) in Translation 1 - português
Tradução é realmente um mundo à parte. Pessoas diferentes, com background diferentes, voltadas a trazer de uma língua para outra...

Danielle Sanchez
Apr 29, 20152 min read
Lost (and Found) in Translation 2 - english
Being a Brazilian my sense of humor is a very important cultural factor that is deeply rooted in my personality. Anything can be said...

Danielle Sanchez
Apr 28, 20152 min read
Lost (and Found) in Translation 1 - english
Translation is indeed a world apart. Different people with different background, focused to bring from one language to another diverse...